1 Bligh Street, Sydney

September 2013

The Aquacell water recycling system at 1 Bligh Street treats all the wastewater generated in this 29 storey tower.

  • The wastewater treated at 1 Bligh Street is collected from two sources: the base office building and sewer mining from the Bondi Ocean Outfall Sewer (BOOS).
  • The Aquacell water recycling system treats wastewater to a high standard that makes it safe for toilet flushing, garden irrigation and cooling towers.
  • Treated water is NOT suitable for drinking.

Where is the wastewater treated at 1 Bligh Street?

Wastewater is collected in a feed tank that sources water from the building and from the BOOS. The feed tank is located in the basement of the building. The wastewater is then pumped to the treatment plant where it is treated in a multi-stage process to a final quality that is fit for purpose. The wastewater recycling plant is located in the basement of the building. After treatment, the treated water is held in 3 separate storage tanks for re-use.

How is recycled water used at 1 Bligh Street?

Most of the treated water is used by the cooling towers. Other uses include toilet flushing inside the office building and watering the green wall.

There are no taps or public access to the recycled water.

What precautions are in place on-site?

The 1 Bligh Street building uses a dual pipe system. This means the recycled water is transported around the site and throughout the building in a separate (purple coloured) pipe system to the drinking water (‘mains water’). As there are no purple recycled water hoses or taps accessible to residents on-site, coming into contact with recycled water is highly unlikely.

Plumbing connections are checked regularly to ensure there’s no chance of cross connection and a stringent induction system ensures all trades people are aware of the dual pipe system. There’s also monthly operational water quality monitoring to ensure treated water meets the recycled water guidelines. In addition, the scheme is licensed under the Water Industry Competition Act (WICA) and is independently audited.

For further information, visit the WICA website or or download a copy of the latest License Plan Audit. A map of the area of operations can be found here.

1 Bligh Street Inside

Instructions for the community

You can help keep the system running at its optimum by following some simple guidelines.

Please do

  • Contact 1 Bligh Street Security on 02 9377 0309 if you experience any problems with your water supply.
  • Seek information from 1 Bligh Street if you do not understand the recycled water program. Their contact information is listed below.

Please don’t

  • Don’t drink treated water – it is non-potable.
  • Don’t attempt to alter or repair any of the plumbing – contact 1 Bligh Street Security if you have any problems.
  • Don’t put any of these materials down the drain:
    • Detergents
    • Fertilisers
    • Chemicals
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Pet care products
    • Silicon or silicon based products
    • Bleach
    • Paint or paint thinners
    • Turps
    • High-foaming degreasers
    • Windex
    • Draino or caustic soda

Important contact information

For all life-threatening emergencies dial 000 for Ambulance, Fire Brigade or Police.

Incidents and emergencies

For urgent repairs, incidents and emergencies, contact 1 Bligh Street Security immediately on 02 9377 0309. This includes:

  • Any burst water service
  • Dangerous electrical faults
  • Flooding
  • Water service breakdown
  • Any fault or damage that creates a hazardous condition
  • Production of out-of-spec water

In the event of an electrical hazard, an emergency stop button is mounted on the Aquacell system’s control cabinet panel.

Treatment plant operator

Aquacell Pty Ltd
Suite 602, 6A Glen Street
Milsons Point, NSW 2061

Telephone: 02 4721 0545

Recycled water reticulation scheme operator

1 Bligh Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Telephone: 02 9377 0300